“Be That Engineer” SWE Event

January 16, 2020

On Saturday, November 2, 2019, the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) hosted an event that introduced over 40 high school girls to the various engineering disciplines offered at Mississippi State. Chemical Engineering major Chloe Cole led the chemical engineering station. The girls had the opportunity to formulate their own bouncy balls using Borax, glue, cornstarch, and water. They were given an initial formulation, but they had to alter the formulation how they saw fit based on how their first bouncy ball performed and what each ingredient contributed to the formulation. Dr. Julie Jessop also represented the School of Chemical Engineering as a panelist during a session for the parents of the girls. Overall, this event was a huge success, and it seemed that the girls were all inspired to explore engineering as a career path.

Society of Women Engineers event

By: Maggie Britton