March, 2018 - Dave C. Swalm School of Chemical Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering

ChemE’s Set Winning Streak

By Heather Bouse Once a year, all of Mississippi State University’s engineering majors come together to compete in E-Week (Engineering Week) to win the title of “Best Engineering Major.”  E-Week is an event hosted by the Engineering Student Council that consists of a variety of competitions ranging from playing dodgeball to solving virtual reality puzzles…

March 7, 2018

Girl Scout Engineering Day 2018

By: Rhiannon Davidson  Currently, women hold only 24% of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)-related jobs1. To help balance these areas, the MSU chapter of AIChE holds an annual Girl Scouts Engineering Day. AIChE hopes that by exploring various STEM disciplines, young girls will be encouraged to pursue STEM-related degrees in the future. On January 27,…

March 7, 2018