Hydrogen Education Modules Website

September 21, 2011

Fuel Cell and Energy Modules at Mirror Site The fuel cell and energy modules were developed as part of a multi-university collaboration led by Jason Keith. In concert with Keith’s move to be director (department head) and Earnest W. Deavenport, Jr. Chair at Mississippi State University, these modules have been mirrored at the site: http://www.che.msstate.edu/pdfs/h2ed. This site contains links to fuel cell modules (about four dozen in ChE, two dozen in ME, and a dozen in EE). There are also links to a dozen general energy modules and new modules in alternative energy will be developed in the future and posted at this new site. There are also supplements to the Felder & Rousseau material and energy balance and the Geankoplis transport process textbooks. The project has been supported by the Department of Chemical Engineering at Michigan Technological University, CACHE Corporation, U.S. Department of Energy, and the Bagley College of Engineering at Mississippi State University.