AIChE MSU vs. Kentucky Tailgate

January 14, 2020

The “best major on campus” threw the best tailgate on campus! On Saturday, September 21, AIChE and the Dave C. Swalm School of Chemical Engineering hosted a tailgate for the Kentucky vs. MSU football game. In addition to supporting the Bulldogs, the tailgate provided a way for students to interact with members of the advisory board. Networking and learning about industry become much easier when there is food and football! Friends and family were also welcomed to the event, and the ground floor Unit Operations lab was open for touring which was a great way for students to show off their school.

The tailgate took place on the ground floor of Swalm in the Eastman Auditorium and just outside the doors of the auditorium. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, and cookies were served while other football games were broadcasted on the projector. Overall, it was a super fun and laid-back experience with some great food and even greater friends. I highly recommend you come to the next one, so you will get to see all of your fellow ChemE’s. In the words of Dr. E, “Why risk heat exhaustion in the Junction when you can eat in the cool of Swalm while watching warmup games on the ‘mega screen’ of the auditorium?!”

By: Jolee Rushing